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Lawson's Chip Dip

On a couple of occasions I have written posts dedicated to Lawson's, a convenience store chain that was located in Ohio for close to 50 years. In the late 1980's the chain was bought out by Dairy Mart, of Engfield Ct.

Dairy Mart was then purchased by Alimentation Couche-Tard, and most stored were rebranded Circle K.

Something that has survived the years since Lawson's has left the landscape is Lawson's Chip Dip.

I get many hits on this blog from people out of Ohio, I'm thinking former Buckeyes, looking for availability of this chip dip. I had gotten an email from a former resident of Cleveland looking for it.

I emailed Circle K about this sometime ago asking if it was possible to send the dip out to those out of state, they said because of quality issues that it was not possible.

My only suggestion would be to get in touch with Circle K in your home area and ask them to start stocking this very popular item that seems to make every get-together complete.

Now we will hear from all of you telling why you like(or not) Lawson's Chip Dip, and maybe some suggestions for those finding this post via search engines.


Sue Wilson Voiceover said…
For me its Big O Orange juice...and chip-cop ham. Sing along:
"Roll on Big O...get that juice up to Lawsons in 40 hours"!
Mike Golch said…
I agree with sue roll on BIG O.the dipo is a fav of mine as well.thanks for this one!
Pat Jenkins said…
lawson's had made it even down to our neck of the woods. a few, or at least one, of their old stores is still standing! but i can't remember much to do about the chip dip!
Pigeon said…
OK, I think I remember this dip. When I was growing up we had home deliveries by the Charles Chip Company, and I think they delivered us this dip too. Could that be right???
Syd said…
I don't think that we have that down here. We're still stuck on pork rinds. What to dip those in? Hot sauce.
Shelley said…
we used to have a Lawsons in Michigan many, many years ago. I don't remember that chip dip but it must be good!!!
Anonymous said…
I can remember in my younger days many of our picnics including Lawsons chip dip and chipped chopped ham. I worked there as a teen and soon became "sick" of the chipped chopped ham. People would order 2 and 3 pounds at a time! Good memories though.
Anonymous said…
It's great to see that milk cap again. It seems anytime someone writes about Lawsons, it bring back a lot of fond memories for a lot of people.

I'll never forget the smell of my dad's white uniform as he came home from working in the bread bakery.

If you remember the "old" Lawson's stores, the ones with the counter in the back...the counter was back there by design. My uncle, who was chief purchasing agent at Lawson's said they wanted customers to pick up things along the way as they headed back to the cash register.

Of course in the new stores, the counter was up front near the windows so the police could check up on the staff. Changing times.

Thanks Cliff!

clean and crazy said…
hey I make a great tofu dip!! is that the same as Lawson's?
Frasypoo said…
I am a woman on a diet and should not be reading about chips or dips !!
It sounds so yummy!
Minerva said…
Hmmm..might have to pick some of this up next time I visit my brother..
dons_mind said…
wow....lawsons dip and chipped chopped ham!! i remember many many dinners mom would make with that chip-chopped ham in a frying pan with katsup in it - - mmmmmm good sandwiches! with chips and dip of course!!! great memories....
Vera said…
I live in Florida. I grew up with Lawson's chip dip. We had a store right down the street were I grew up. For a special treat Mom would buy chip chop ham, chips and Lawson's chip dip and chocolate chip ice cream, yum! Every time I go up to visit the family in Akron Ohio they make sure there is plenty of dip on hand and some for me to bring home in a cooler. If only the CircleK in Florida would sell it I wouldn't have to wait unitl I made a trip back home to have some.
Anonymous said…
I live in Florida but grew up in Akron, just found this site when I googled Lawsons chip dip to see if I could find any nearby!!! It is sooo good, I buy some every time I go home to visit!!!
Chris Sobieniak said…
I guess I'll have to see if the Circle K's in my town may have them right now (Toledo).

Apart from Lawson's being no more, a section of the world however has seen the namesake continue to be used, even if they don't offer the chip dip...

Asia has all the luck!
Unknown said…
I know that for awhile you could order Lawson's chip dip through the mail, a container for $5.00 I beleive. I've been scouring the net looking for that offer with no luck. Anyone know of the deal?
Anonymous said…
MargeryRed said…
I grew up gorging on Lawson's Chip Dip... I just didn't realize the cult following it had! I guess I was a lucky kid. :P
Anonymous said…
Lawsons has a Facebook Page!
Unknown said…
I remember Lawsons and still eat the chip dip to this day. My mother used to send me to Lawsons walking with a note and some money. Id hand the note to teller and the money and she would hand me a carton of cigarettes. I would walk home with the cigs and give them to my mom. I WAS ONLY 6 years old. The good ole days huh. Lol
Anonymous said…
I am a Warren, Ohio native but currently live in West Palm Beach Florida. I love Lawson chip dip so much that I checked a suit case this past Christmas just to bring back comfort food.. I brought back the 1 lb container of Lawson chip dip. I took it to my OSU/Clemson tailgate party at the Orange bowl.. It was a great hit for the Ohio'ans.. Florians said "it must be an acquired taste" LOL
rockstar said…
As I get older I find myself returning to my younger years creating the foods that I grew up on.I worked at the lawsons around the corner were I lived on w. 105th. St. favorites of Lawson was chip dip and anither, chip chop ham, but most of all, every yeary since my birthday was on the 19th of Dec. And she had 7 kids, I never had a party, mom would let me bring home 1 friend from school and she would make us lunch, and the best was last.. Lawsons white coconut cake! My favorite cake. Till this day I try and get that cake for my birthday.
Unknown said…
We need Lawson's chip dip in Florida.
It's so awesome!
Chris J. said…

I grew up on 20th street near Sacket and Lawsons was on the corner of Chestnut and State Road one block away. When I was a child in the 60's my mother and I would walk to Lawsons for milk and chip chop ham. This morning on a rerun of Anthony Bordains travel show in Okinawa Japan he went into a Lawsons and mentioned it originated outside of Akron!
Unknown said…
Oh goodness...I totally agree. That poor truck driver all alone on the roads at night...all you see are his headlights & big rig as the sun rises delivering that BigO, Chipped, Chopped Ham & our absolutely "eat it with a spoon" Lawsons Chip Dip... the first thing I purchase when a cross the boarder into the Buckeye state!!
Unknown said…
Just found this.
Me said…
"One man sleeps while the other man drive's on that non stop Lawson run" I miss the Long horn cheese and hungry Hank sandwiches....and the chocolate milk😃
Me said…
"And the cold cold juice in that tank truck caboose stays as fresh as the Florida sun"

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