Well, I figure I will get quite a few hits for the wrong reasons with this title. I will explain this and my photo. I received the t-shirt from Richard Henry, the president of Henry Tools, inc ., this past Monday. I promised Dick I would have my picture taken wearing the shirt and would post it on Facebook. I also figured I would post it on my blog. Why? I'll tell you. At my last job, I was a quality inspector. My office was adjoining the maintenance supervisor's office. Whenever someone came to see Charlie, the maintenance supervisor, they had to go past my desk. Some would go by and say hi, or give me a nod on their way to Charlie's office. Dick Henry would come through and would always stop and inquire as to how I was doing, sometimes spending several minutes shooting the breeze. He was one of only a few who even knew my name. Long time readers of this blog know that I was called into the outgoing company president's office on December 31, 2009 to be informed...
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice.