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We Serve

 As I was working on my upcoming book, The Daily Uplift, I decided to give some impressions of a meeting of the Lions Club which I attended last night. If you wish to make a difference in your community, a service organization is something you should consider.

We Serve


Last night I attended a Lions Club meeting. The Lions Club is a service organization, known for their work in battling blindness. They have been known to provide optometry services to those in the communities they serve to those that can’t afford to get glasses. This is just one of many service the local clubs provide their towns.

The Lions Club provides great outreach. In our town, they have funded projects such as park improvements and needs for others, such as ramps for homes.

Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, many service organizations have taken a hit. Other organizations, such as the Kiwanis, are dying of old age. If you are one that may be civic minded, you will see the need for these fine groups.

People are quick to point out the flaws in their town, especially if there is a pothole in front of their homes and they feel their tax money is not being used to their advantage. They are quick to point out the problem, but not the solution. To be fair, nobody can solve the problem by themselves.

A local club, such as the Lions, needs members to make the towns they serve a better place. Most of these clubs need some young blood to thrive. When asked at last night’s meeting what the requirements were for membership, the answer was to be at least 18 years old and have 65 dollars. That is the starting point. I am sure if you have a talent, you can be of use to the local Lions Club.

The motto of the Lions Club International is “We Serve.” It’s as simple as that.

You do not need to take off your glasses and put your superhero costume on to make a difference in your community. Be part of a local group and help make a difference that way.


When you see that things are not right

There’s no need to point out the blight

Become part of a club

That will build and will scrub

And help others in regaining their sight


To learn more about the Lions Club, visit their website


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