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From a "Battleground State"

I am going to make this one short and sweet. I live in Ohio, in this election season, one of the so called "Battleground states," a state crucial for any candidate presidential hopes. Of course we have had many visits from presidential and vice presidential candidates. Other blogs have dissected both campaigns so I will not. The only questions I have is will the promises made by either of these candidates exclusive to these states be fulfilled, or will they prove only to be hot air?


Connie said…
Good question, Wixy. The answer remains to be seen, I suppose. It would be nice to know the answers before we vote, but obviously that isn't going to happen. This has certainly been a wild campaign year. I think I'll be glad to finally have the election be over and done with.
Busy Bee Suz said…
One person can never fulfill all those promises. Really.
Whomever is in office, has a huge mess to clean up. It will take years to do this. No one person can do it....I just can't wait for it to all be over and we can move forward. I like one better than the other, but it won't make much difference who is sitting in the big chair...just my little opinion.
Cliff said…
I'm glad I heard right off the bat from Daisy(Ohio) and Suz(Florida.) Both ladies live in battleground states. I agree with both comments. And yes, there is much mess to be cleaned up. I think the people elected will do well by not pointing fingers but working to help the country get out of the mess. No one can change the past, but we all can get together and help influence the future for good.
Pat Jenkins said…
i know these guys speaketh with forked tongue. yours truly geronimo
Anonymous said…
You got me.

I enjoyed watching the debates on CNN (?) as they would have an audience with Ohio's undecided voters on and record whether or not they were liking what they were hearing or not.

Then afterwards, they would interview them.

It was interesting.
lime said…
PA voter weighing in. let's just say I am taking stock in balloons...
Busy Bee Suz said…
Your husband training book comment made me shoot coffee out my nose. Thanks for the morning Laugh/ mess.
Cliff said…
The comment by Suz needs an explanation for those who haven't read her blog, so go here:

And look for mt comment after reading the post, of course.
Frasypoo said…
I think its hot air,Cliff.It does not matter who wins.We,the common person has as much importance as a sesame seed!
Shelley said…
If it's hot air - then Michigan is in even more trouble! With Chrysler closing down more plants and talks of a merger - this place is going to become a ghost town.
Cliff said…
I'm hoping it's more than hot air, but my opinion is that we need more than a change at the executive branch.

As a Christian, I feel the church,as in all believers, need to change some of our habits. See 2Chronicles 7:14. Too much hot air comes from the pulpits of America.

And my political leanings any more want to take some red and some blue, and make a third party, starting at the local level, seeing that anything worth growing has to have good, strong roots.
YEKIMI said…
I wish the election was held in March. That way the politicians would be tramping through the state most of the winter and all the "hot air" they're blowing could melt the snow as it fell!
Long time no comment .. Hi Cliff! Nothing personal, but here are my opinions, take them or leave them .... from living in these United States, I already know my opinions don't count to anyone but myself.

I lost faith in the Government when I was a child, and nothing have changed to this day. The people don't run this country, as per the US Constitution, the rich and slick folks do, especially the white men!

When you look at the Popular votes verses the Electoral votes, it's all a joke. If Obama doesn't win, I can't fault the Republicans, because they have given America two of the worst people they can find to run against him ... I will fault the blindness of humanity, to all ways fall for bullshit, and to judge others by skin color! I for one am tired of all this, and no matter who win, my situation will not change --- this is a fact of my life? But we need a change, and I think Obama is ahead of the crowd, when it comes to change. This said, if Obama doesn't win, I will never vote again --- I am so glad I am old and my days are numbered. I feel sorry for my children and grandchildren, but like me they will survive.

- Amias
Cliff said…
Amias, first I am glad you are back commenting, I feel honored. I, too lost faith in the political system years ago when it became evident that no matter what party was in power(in both the exectutive and legislative branches-federal and state) the power was abused and "in your face politics" were practiced.

I heard a comment recently that congress people should be like NASCAR drivers and put their sponsors on their suits so we would know where they get their influence.

Government of the people, for the people, and by the people has fallen by the wayside. The government bailout is the most recent proof of that. The current economic crisis is not a product of the Bush administration, or the Clinton administration. you have to go back maybe as far as the 1960's to see the root problem.
Cliff said…
P.S. It looks as though that Obama will be elected from all the opinion polls I have read.

I am commanded by scripture to pray for those in power. That could be the difference maker.
Melanie said…
depends...if obama wins with a solid majority in congress...more than hot air there...:( I doubt anyone but the liberals will have much much for checks and balances....
Cliff, I don't always agree with you, but I respect your opinions -- and I feel you are a kind and loving person.

But what amazes me is that folks calling themselves Christians can be so judgmental and quick at applying labels. One forget so quickly that Jesus Christ, the savior that so many claims to worshiped was a "Colored", now called "Black", Jew.

I am tired of these labels; liberals, etc. What does that mean --- that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of race, creed, or color, or beliefs. I am so sick of this division ... we are all American citizens, all of us were brought over to this land for one reason or another --- is it so bad that we all want to live just as good as everyone else, is that why folks who are tolerance of others are labeled liberals -- because they believe in equality? If this is the case, Jesus Christ was the biggest LIBERAL of all! I don't subscribe to formal religions, because it taught me to hate and to be happy being a slave.

That said ...
"Liberal is define as a person with liberal political opinions : progressive, left-winger, leftist, reformer, freethinker, liberal, latitudinarian.
"Conservative is defined as someone who is resistant to change : conservative, anachronism, antediluvian, fogy, fossil, fuddy-duddy, mossback, old fogy, relic, square, stick-in-the-mud"

According to the definition of these words, if it was left up to a Conservative, we would still be shackled in chains, and programmed to not think for ourselves!

I am not surprise at the negative actions or opinions of others, after all, I am a decedent of slaves and slave owners? Believe me, nothing surprises me --- !

I thank you for allowing me to rant in a safe zone.
Cliff said…
Amias, The best thing is we can agree to disagree when necessary.

And yes, there has been many times when I have been turned off by organized religion, and I'm sure at least one former pastor would not be pleased with what I have blogged about in the past.

As far as the race of Jesus, I have always thought that to get into an argument about that would take the focus off His mission.

For me to judge someone by the color of their skin would make me one of the most ignorant people around.

As time goes by, I find myself going more and more towards the middle. Both parties advocate the destruction of innocent life; one through war, and the other through abortion.

One party tries to legislate morality, the other tries to legislate prosperity, and neither is possible. Morality comes from within and prosperity comes from hard work.
To be truthful, I don't want no one telling me what I can or can not do, as long as I am not hurting anyone except myself --- being a free soul, supposedly living in a free country, I am aware of the hypocrisy of our leaders, be it political or religions.

I lean neither left nor right, neither Democrat nor Republicans --- I am just me. I do what I think is best for me, the individual. I live my life in such away that I don’t hurt others, nor do I try and indoctrinate anyone with my beliefs or lack thereof.

No one is afraid of hard work, Cliff --- however, one would like to receive equal pay for equal job – and equal opportunities.

That said, beloved Cliff, I have so enjoyed dropping in to visit you. I am living each moment as I can, but as you well know, life can be hard.

Peace and blessings to you and your beloved family.

.. Amias

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