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Not going as planned

Well, this week's almost a wash. I was supposed to be working 7 extra hours, but my body had some different ideas.

First started Monday night when I maybe got an hour's sleep before getting up Tuesday going to work. I then got ready for a day's work, but by the time I got there, I was sweating very profusely. I then turned on the air conditioning in my office. I had to turn it off at lunchtime when I started shivering, which I continue to do for the next 45 minutes. I figured at this point that I had a touch of the flu, as I also had some aches in my leg.

I had been keeping Kathy abreast of what was happening, so she knew that I wasn't intentionally avoiding her when I got home and parked in my recliner. I also figured taking some acetaminophen PMs at 6:30 would give me plenty of time to sleep it off. Sleep went well with the exception of getting some chills.

Wednesday started well, and I was thinking that what I had was a touch of the 24 hour bug. Later I realized why I'm not a doctor, as I noticed swelling and stiffness in my lower right leg. I also noticed red splotches on my calf, which was also warm to the touch and getting tight. My next thought was blood clots. I then went against company rules, got my cell phone and called my doctor's office, who called me back to tell me that they had an appointment available in the afternoon.

Once in the examination room after checking me out, my doctor sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound test to ensure that it's not a blood clot. If it were, I would be eating my next meal in bed. I went home to get Kathy to ride with me just in case. Fortunately that wasn't the case and it was determined that I had celluitis, caused by an infection. How I got it, I don't know.

This I do know: Kathy and I have had a very rough summer and taking care of others has compromised our health, Kathy emotionally and me physically. Sometime during October, I plan to take some vacation time where we take care of each other.


Minerva said…
You were wise to go to the doctor's. My friend's husband gets cellulitis in his leg now and then. It has turned to staff a few times, too. Be careful and take good care of yourself!

Hope that's the last time you have that problem, and things look up for you.

P.S.- I would love to see those pics of the Wooster Scots in all their kilts! When I met my husband, he was in the Scot band and wore a kilt. I like to say that when I met my husband, he wore a skirt. ;)
Cliff said…
Hopefully all will get better before next Saturday and I can take some shots for you. Call it WIXYcam on special assignment.
Jessica said…
Hi Cliff.... I hope that much needed vacation for you and Kathy gets here soon! Please take care! I'm saying a prayer for both of ya!
dons_mind said…
sounds like it's time for a bit of 'us' time! c'mon down to texas! :)
Judy Nehls Sanza said…
I'm an "old" RHS band member. I graduated in 1958. Yep, way back then...we had a great band and football team. Great experience. I am writing a book and was looking for some info and found your site. Fun to see the old place. Or, probably the new place. I graduated from the school on Main Street. Still have sisters and a brother in Orrville.

Judy Nehls Sanza
clean and crazy said…
Awe Cliff ,take it easy that is nothing to play with it could turn into sepsis. my mother got it a lot are you diabetic? I knew what you were describing so well. Please take care of you, you deserve good health. stay off that leg or do your physical therapy and get rid of that infection. you are so in my prayers tonight.
Hi Cliff,

Sending prayers and good vibes your way!! Take good care and I hope all goes well... Keep us posted...
Cliff said…
Nancy:I think the "new" high school opened in 1966. And now construction is underway to construct the new middle school, which would be connected to the existing high school. Football is still played at the stadium between 1st and 2nd streets.

CNC-Yes, I am diabetic and everytime I see a donut now, I will be envisioning my lower right leg this week. I feel fortunate that it's a visual reminder more than something like losing the limb or kidney failure.
Cliff said…
Another thing to Judy: Come back often, as "From the Pressbox" is sometimes a twice weekly feature during the football season. This week will be sorta iffy, as I will have to do what my right leg tells me to do.
Jen said…
Do take care of yourselves Cliff. You can't take care of others unless you take care of yourself first.
Syd said…
Cellulitis is dangerous. My father almost lost his arm to it. I am glad that you went to the doctor. Take care of yourself, Cliff.
struke said…
Cliff, I'm glad you went to go get checked out. Cellulitis is nothing to play around with. Neither are blood clots. I'm glad it's not as serious as you thought. Please keep everyone updated.
Wow! I hope that you take good care of yourself! Hope you get rid of it soon.

Hm, I like the word "abreast". ;)
Pat Jenkins said…
be good wixy my friend, we are thinking of you!!!
david5258 said…
cliff--i had cellulitis in 2007. it knocked me out of work for 5 WEEKS. i got mine doing business travel, getting athletes foot from a hotel pool. i woke up at 2 am sicker than a junkyard dog with what i thought was stomach flu. after cleaning my gut, i looked down and saw hat my left leg was twice as big as my right and i had a fever over 102. rest up,get current medical attention, and take good care of yourself. physically i recovered, but you never replace lost income.
Connie said…
I hope you and Kathy are feeling well again soon, Cliff.

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