This week I have been working on a poem a day challenge on my Whattville blog. It's been a good alternative from my activity on Facebook. also shows me that when I put my mind to it, I can be quite creative. And I do like it when the creative juices flow. My latest poem pertains to the Daytona 500 being delayed by rain.
I was released by the orthopedic specialist who performed the surgery on my ankle. I let him know that I was starting to walk around the block, and it was feeling good. I also worked out on the elliptical and stationary bike at the fitness center at my place of employment. Weight going down, hopefully not to make a u-turn. Since further work on my artificial left knee is in the foreseeable future, I figure I will help that doctor while I am able. Two insulin shots before surgery this past October is still too fresh in my mind.
I also have been realizing lately that I miss my blogging friends. Been thinking lately about all the good interaction we have had in the past. Need to spend more time here and less on Facebook.
I was released by the orthopedic specialist who performed the surgery on my ankle. I let him know that I was starting to walk around the block, and it was feeling good. I also worked out on the elliptical and stationary bike at the fitness center at my place of employment. Weight going down, hopefully not to make a u-turn. Since further work on my artificial left knee is in the foreseeable future, I figure I will help that doctor while I am able. Two insulin shots before surgery this past October is still too fresh in my mind.
I also have been realizing lately that I miss my blogging friends. Been thinking lately about all the good interaction we have had in the past. Need to spend more time here and less on Facebook.
Best of luck with your ankle and the faulty knee...such a shame when our parts start falling apart.
If I were as clever as you, there would have been a poem in there.
take care,
I just need to get over and read them more.