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Sunday muse: I don't levitate and I don't walk on water!

Cliff Note: This is something new that I'm attempting where I'm working on this post all week. I'm hoping that I will be able to do this every week. I'm attempting to make this look like a column in a community weekly paper. Those are the papers that will be the survivors.

A year ago Suzanne and I had constant email contact. At the time, she was going through a messy divorce and I was just trying to be a friend. We lived 800 miles apart so I felt safe as far as this just being a good friendship. I was then, and still am very secure in my marriage.

We would send each other jokes through email and would also share parts of our lives with each other. There was also a time when some of us met for chicken in Barberton, Ohio and called her in Mississippi. She was a friend to many of us. One time she replied to an email I had sent her by telling me that if we ever met, I would probably levitate. I told her that was not hardly the case. Another time, I had emailed her after I was stopped, and cited, by the police in one of the most dangerous parts of Cleveland, Ohio for having a loud exhaust. I told Suzanne the terminology I used in my assessment of the officers. Believe me it wasn't something you would want to impress your pastor with and we will leave it at that. I also asked if she still thought I levitated. She said that was nothing compared to what she was screaming through her kitchen window.

I can safely say by the shoes I have worn out that I don't levitate.

I was accused of viewing myself as a "water walker" on one of the message boards recently. I was trying to make a point while discussing a current topic. We were debating a local talk show host who saw it fit to insult one of your favorite bloggers over the air and as all you know, I'm eating this all up. Most of the time I use the same demeanor posting on the message boards as I do blogging. Sometimes I might post something tongue in cheek. Needless to say, there are some that don't know how to take a joke. There are also some who resort to fighting dirty when they are losing a battle and sometimes the rules governing message boards are looser than that of professional wrestling.

The only way I would ever want to walk on water is if my total concentration was on Jesus, almost to being at the point where I would be too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good. But then again what good would it do if I were walking on water. I can travel anywhere I want on land by car, by bicycle, or on foot. So there would be no need to get the soles of my shoes wet.

But both comments have to do with attitude. The first, where Suzanne told me that I probably levitated was one that told me that she thought highly of me. The other, where I was told that I looked at myself as a "water walker" was one in which the person was telling me that he thought I was arrogant. To be honest both make feel a little uneasy.

I prefer to have my feet firmly on the ground and my head attached to my neck. I don't want to be unapproachable by anybody and I don't want to be talked down to. If my attitude is that "I'm the greatest," people will start to avoid me. If it's all the time "woe is me," the only ones who will want to be around will be those who want to make me feel lower. There is a definite advantage in being yourself and being the best yourself. And the only one you have to be as good as is you.

Everything in life is dependent on what you do as yourself and not as anyone else

You don't need to walk beneath me or above me. Walk along side me. This way if I slip, you will notice and can come to my aid a lot sooner.

Thanks for stopping by this week. Next Sunday I hope to muse about two of my favorite TV families and some similarities with them.


clean and crazy said…
what a great post, you know sometimes people give compliments in funny ways and they really never mean to hurt you with them. sometimes when i am mad at someone i let them rent space in my head, which is way too full of stuff already, from mow on i have a no vacancy sign and I try not to own others crap.
Mike Golch said…
Great posting,I for one would be happy to walk with you and if either one of us would slip and fall we would help each other is a heart beat.
Pat Jenkins said…
let me volunteer my services wixy if you ever need "gorunded". i will for sure tell you how "bad" you are.. he he.. good post!
Busy Bee Suz said…
As usual, perfectly put.
Minerva said…
Good post, Cliff. Now I'm going to see if I can figure out which TV families you're going to write about..
Very good article Cliff ... your thoughts and comparison on the two opposite thoughts were very well stated. I neither think you are to high or to low ... but at times, when our kindness or lack of it is showing --- we tend to be at the mercy of others opinions of us, which is not a bad thing. After all, it's just another experience, right?
Jen said…
You are the real deal Cliff!
I like your post!& look forward to the next weekly.
(now don't get a big head over all the compliments here. ha! )
Ben said…
Nicely put. We all can use a "gut check" once in a while, and we've all been lifted up...and cut down to size.
Syd said…
Great post. I like the idea of walking beside another to share the road. I think that you do that well.

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