This weekend,I drove the WIXYmobile to Whitehouse, Ohio for the 20th Annual Showcase of Bands at Anthony Wayne High School. This was my first trip there, though the Rittman Band had been there in years past. My daughter had told me that the Anthony Wayne show was one of the best. The host band has 132 members, and has one of the best "high stepping" marching styles that I have had the privilege of seeing.
Rittman was one of 8 bands participating this past Saturday night, and was the first guest band to perform. A first happened to me as an announcer-I was "turned down". Well, I do have a habit of overmodulating. I was complimented by other announcers for the amount of excitement I put in my presentation. One of the complimenters was Ron Finn, morning host on Toledo radio station WRQN. He was there as guest announcer, and is also a former Anthony Wayne band parent.
The Rittman Band gave their best performance of the season Saturday night. It's easy to show excitement in the pressbox when they show excitement on the field.
Other bands at the show were West Muskingum High School, Tiffin University, Port Clinton High School, Springfield High School, Kenton High School, Bowling Green State University, and Anthony Wayne Junior High School, along With the host band. Right before intermission, past Anthony Wayne band directors were honored. At the end of the show all the bands took the field for a combined performance of three selections. It sounded great. The weather also was a willing participant this night.
Next week's show will be at Jackson High School, near Massillon.