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Happy Easter and a Prayer Request

I hope everyone is having a happy Easter.

I also want to direct your attention to the Prayer Hubs blog, a labor of love from Amias. She has allowed me to be part of the team there. I just posted a prayer request on behalf of Mike Golch. I hope you take time to read this and remember his in laws in your prayers.


Syd said…
Thanks Cliff. You're a good man.
Pat Jenkins said…
happy easter wixy to you, kathy, and the rest of the whoooole wixy clan!
HWHL said…
Happy Easter Cliff, and I will check out this prayer request and pray for them.
Minerva said…
Very thoughtful request. Happy Easter to you and your family.
Pigeon said…
I wish you a Happy Easter too.
Mike Golch said…
Cliff,thank you for posting this request.I hope that you and your family have a blessed easter.
Michelle said…
Happy Easter Cliff & Kathy.
Connie said…
Happy Easter to you and your family, Wixy.
Ms Hen's said…
Happy Easter to you and your wife and family...

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