At the end of a very busy weekend, I find that between my two blogs, I'm about three posts behind, so the reports will be a little more brief than usual.
Homecoming saw the Rittman Fighting Indians play the Chippewa Chipps, two teams coming into Friday's action with identical 0-7 records.
Homecoming court was introduced before game time and the Hom
And of course, the students were ready to support their team.
Halftime I get to use the new Rittman public address system and I am both excited and afraid. Excited because I don't have to strain my voice, afraid because I didn't want to hurt anyone's ears.
The Chippewa band was first on the field with two selections from their competition program. At the end of the Chippewa program, I then went over and turned the system down a notch, sat down and introduced the Rittman Indians Marching Band. Even though I was somewhat subdued, I maintained my cool and announced a good show. The Rittman band also rose to the occasion. It helps when you have a good product to sell. Song of the night,
Note to Trogdan Publishing: I am flattered that someone over there reads my blog, and I am also flattered that photos are taken off here and published in the Eastern Wayne edition of The Post. I just want to know why you don't give me credit for these pictures. I write this blog in part to feed my ego and I cover the band because they are a group of hard working students, who have respect for themselves and for those who work with the band. That in itself is payment enough.
But in the past three out of four weeks, photos from this blog have been printed in the paper and I have not been given credit for them. Please stroke my ego in the future and give me due credit for my photos.
As always Cliff, I enjoy reading your blogs!!! THe whole week end was very enjoyable, I hate to see the marching season end. Think I could convince the school to flunk my son so he has to stay an extra year???
See you Saturday at the REALLY big (&loud)show!!!