First, I'm back after a nice quiet evening with Mrs74WIXYgrad. Now on with the show.
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This past Saturday, September 23, I rode with the band to the 36th annual Vermillion Sailor Marching Band Show. Our Rittman Indians Marching Band was one of 7 bands participating that evening. The emcee for the night, Dick Goddard did not sing the national anthem, as previously reported by me, as told to me by Rittman Band Director Ed Sims. However all bands took the field and played together the Star Spangled Banner.
We were treated to performances by several North Central Ohio bands, including Ada, Edison, Tiffin University, Vermillion Alumni Band, host Vermillion Sailor Marching Band, and of course, your Rittman Indians Marching Band(and for the life of me, I don't remember the 7th band).
The Vermillion and Edison bands have marched with Rittman many times in the past. Both bands marched tonight
The Rittman Band ga
Dick Goddard told me that I have to learn how to increase my volume. As we had two other very loud announcers, I felt under pressure to give it my best. I did make sure that I didn't keep the mike open since the last time we performed at this show people got to hear my chatter. I usually try to keep loose between performances, so I don't concentrate too much on what's happening, and so that others in the pressbox have no need to feel that they have to be quiet.
Next performance by the Marching Indians will be at halftime of this Friday's football game, where it will be Rittman vs. Waynedale.
Announcing for the band is so much fun, no matter what the atmosphere. My last band announcing came at a country high school field in rural western PA where there were no bleachers and the public address system was essentially an old Shure microphone plugged into three of those cone-shaped loudspeakers with no bottom end. However, it was still fun.