It's time once again for football season, and that means band shows have commenced. It's time also for the peaceful evenings in Northeast Ohio to be interrupted by the following words:
Laaadies and gentlemen, for your listening and viewing pleasure.... We take great pride in presenting to YOU.... The sixty ninth edition of the Rittman Indians MMAAARRRRCCCCHHIIINNNNGGG BAND!
You see our band really marches.
Thursday night's show at Mogadore Stadium was a result of several weeks preparation for the band, and several minutes preparation for the announcer. Rittman was one of 7 bands performing that evening. Not the largest band there, that was Hudson.
The show this week was a very high energy show. The band marched on the field playing "Gimme Some Lovin". The Majorette feature was performed to the Rolling Stones hit "Paint it Black."
The sound of Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band and their hit "Old Time Rock and Roll" was next for the student musicians who looked to be in mid season form. We got to see suicides at their finest.
The next two selections reminded the very receptive audience that the Rittman Band is a show band, even though Kiss's "Rock N Roll All Nite" could have a little pyro. The band was very eager to display their vocal talents.
The small band with the loud announcer ended their show this evening with the Safari's rock classic "Wipe Out". Once again the audience was treated to a fantastic drum break, along with the show styling, which is becoming a dying art with high school bands. At the end of the number the band had wiped out over the field.
Next Friday the band performs at halftime of the Rittman football game.
The annual Rittman Band Revue will take place October 20. Make your plans to be there that night.
Please stand by: I was able to take some photos before the performance but as the Rittman portion of the show was about to begin, the batteries of the WIXYcam had died. Now you know why I didn't go far in the boy scouts.
Sad note: Thursday night when I was in the pressbox I had asked where the longtime Mogadore announcer, Jim Pfaff was. I had been told that he had suffered a stroke during quadruple bypass surgery, and was a shell of his former self. Please pray for Jim Pfaff and his family.