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Amias' labor of love

Amias has posted a hub on Liquid Illuzion for those who have posted tributes for Suzanne. I would like for everybody who come here who posted a tribute to go there and use the Mr. Linky function there and post the link. I have linked 8 of my posts there. Cliff Note: I thought awhile before linking that many. I did it out of love for Suzanne and respect for the family.

If you didn't post anything, go there and look at some of the fascinating tributes that come from the hearts of many hurting bloggers.

I want you to do something else. Go over to Amias' blog, The Magic of Intregated Circuits, and leave her a comment, thanking her for her work in preserving all of this.


SandyCarlson said…
Good thinking, Cliff. I hope that post stays up for a good few days so word can get around. Also, if there is a place to make a contribution in her memory....
Busy Bee Suz said…
You are doing such a good thing....keeping her memory alive. I am SURE she appreciates this. :)

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