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Start of a new week

January's almost over which means we are about over the hump as far as winter is concerned. A week from tomorrow is Groundhog day, the chronological halfway point of winter. The movie, Groundhog Day, is one I can watch over and over. Bill Murray is one of my favorite former Saturday Night Live cast members.

I have a meme to do and hopefully I will get this up in the next few days.

I think everybody knows that I like to promote other blogs and their authors. Those who have been coming here for about a year or more remember the regular feature I wrote last year called, I Like....Because. The first "I like" post was one to try to another blogger. This grew to a regular series which lasted into last May. Since I have a much larger blogroll which is growing constantly, I will be doing this more often. Look for the first of this series for 2009 to be posted by the end of the week.

And to all others who are new visitors, I will get around to visiting you soon.


Ms Hen's said…
Is it okay to say I HATE the COLD.. lol??....without sounding Negative.

Well I do.. I love the way the snow comes down..

But Yikes... I got hit with a 341.00 heat bill for one (1)month and that is with a brand new eco-Furnace. And kept the heat on 68 and sometimes lower when only I was home.

So yes I hate the winter....(especially as a single mom).. buying SALT (the good kind so my cement won't crack.. already spent 63.00 on that too. (and 125.00 for firewood and that is all gone; but more for decorative reasons)

Yay..the winter is half over.. that is what keeps me KEEPING ON.. lol.

I canceled so much freelance work this winter too.. just hibernated and read blogs.. (bad).

BTW you hair looks nice LOOOONGER and probably keeps you WARMER.
Anonymous said…
I am sooooo tired of this bitter cold weather. I can also wathc ground hog's day over and over and over!
SandyCarlson said…
We are almost through January, and it seems to have flown by this year somehow. Out of the chalk box of January into the _____________ of February. I need a word. Perhaps the ground hog will bail me out.

Good luck with your meme!
Believe it or not, here in Houston we had some cold weather --- but just as often, the weather was nice and warm.

Cliff, you are the Ambassador of the Blog world. I loved your, I like because series.
Jen said…
I'm looking forward to the series...
Have a great day Cliff.
Pat Jenkins said…
when does the tribe start spring training s.f.?
Shelley said…
Wixy - I love that movie Groundhog day! One of the most memorable scenes is when he became an accomplished pianist with "just one lesson" - LOL!
On another note - you are an excellent blogger ambassador and are very generous in your promotion of other's blogs. I have to remember to start mentioning my favorites.
Cliff said…
I feel that there are many good bloggers that need a little push and some encouragement in order to get a little confidence in their writing.

The one time broadcast student and former salesperson in me wants to promote good blogs and those on my sidebar are all good reading as all bloggers display a passion to communicate.

All those who give me encouragement by coming here and commenting on my posts are most deserving of my promotion of their excellent work.
Anonymous said…
Hard for me to believe we are about to hit February of 2009 already!

I LOVE the movie Groundhog Day as well!

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