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Another blast coming

I sit here at my desk at work during my morning break typing this. I keep hearing about a blast coming from the southwest that is supposed to give us 3-5 inches of snow. I would insert a global warming crack here, but I won't in respect to those "green" bloggers on my list.

I was supposed to respond to a tag by Jen and I had every intention to, but my desktop at home wouldn't cooperate and I even had a pretty good post planned. It will be posted in the next day or so.

I'm also humbled at the number of 12 steppers who have been following this blog. We can all learn something by reading their musings. I'm also impressed by the fact that they realized couldn't handle their struggles by their selves and recognize a need for a higher power. And the fact that they are able to call for help. That's something I have a problem with and I'm not addicted to anything but food, although I do have the urge at times to say "My name is Cliff, and I'm a (dummy)."

I hope everyone has a super day! And thank you for reading WIXY's Gone Bananas!


Ms Hen's said…
Actually part of global warming I read is erratic COLDER times too.

I don't have it figured out; but someone did explain it to me.. why the colder weather is another affect of Global warming.

You are not a dummy. You have a lot of Step 12th folks like me following you because of your kind sweet mannerism.

Today I needed HELP and called a friend who rises early. Yep called him at 5:30 A.M. he works from home in sunny Florida. HE loves calls at odd times.....but I never did that before..

Anyway he understood my SUN DEPRIVATION.......I'm getting the winter blues real badly. I'm just

I feel better now and can face another cold day..going up to the 30s.. but cloudy..

But reaching out is good; just not overdo it to the same person; and look for a solution.

They say to complain only 3 times ..anymore is obsessing... it is time to look for solutions not just venting non-stop.
Tim Lones said…
Ms Hen:
I am sad to say I have never checked out your blog as yet, but I always enjoy your responses to others..You have such a sweet way about you..Very refreshing..I would take the 30's any day of the week right now..Have a great day..

Anonymous said…
I too am struggling with the winter blues. It hits me every year without fail. Ms Hen's comments about colder weather being an affect of Global warming makes sense. I also heard that a rise in more extreme, violent weather is another.
Pat Jenkins said…
what is the groundhog saying about the 6-12 we are supposed to get!
Cliff said…
The groundhog is busy with his Super Bowl chart.

But he did say "You go or Sohio pays your tow."
Jen said…
all my bragging about no snow finally got us about 5 inches here in Northern KY~with iceon the way they say.
woe is me. :(
Shelley said…
Wixy - you aren't allowed to call yourself a dummy anymore! Blogger rules! We're expecting your same snow - drive safe out there!
SandyCarlson said…
This oddball winter stuff is part of global warming.

I hope you are safe and warm when the weather comes.
clean and crazy said…
We twelve steppers look up to the earthlings like you who get it without it. I watched Randy Pausch and his wife and their story as he battled cancer and when they spoke, it was like recovery, and they were earthlings!! it is awesome to see folks living be spiritual principles all on their own. I look in awe at them. Anyway keep warm

><>< ENJOY

i also added sum new music an deleted the x/mas music off finally..
Ms Hen's said…
lol.........clean and crazy.. you said exactly what I was thinking. Some people can just get things right without having to read The 12 Steps/12 Principals/12 Concepts books..

All my friends are people I call The Stable Normal ONES.. they are living fine without all the over analyzing .. but I do share about the Slogans when they hit bumpy roads. (as everyone does).

Betty Ann
HWHL said…
"One Day At A Time" is the ONLY sane way to live life. Seriously. I'm not addicted to anything (unless being a worrywort counts! .... and really, that's only been since my business has tanked!)

But there are many days I just stop and say "Now now. Take a deep breath. You just have to deal with between now and bedtime. Can you do that, Miss Fussy Britches?" And I immediately pipe down. :)

12 Steppers rock... many of my favorite people are 12 Steppers!
(A collective "high 5" to all of y'all!!)
Ms Hen's said…
When i first started going to Al-Anon I said to everyone I know that the 12 Steps should be taught to everyone. Just common sense on living a good life; and reaching a higher lever of altruism and as Dr. Abraham Maslow said few people reach true self-actualization. The theory of Self-Actualization.

I have no addictions either (except coffee) but al-anon is a step program to help those who had suffered from the addictions of friends and families..

It teaches us to continue to have compassion but to set boundaries. And when people go they don't go for the alcoholic .. the focus is supposed to be on our growth; and not to be an enabler; and put the focus on our own journey in LIFE. Detaching with LOVE and not accepting anything unacceptable. YOu can still love the person but you don't have to be part of their problem. They have to want recovery and you have to concentrate on your own recovery.

Actually..........being an enabler does not help the addicted person but actually can help them not reach a LOW to want to stop being sick. Most addicts are functional too; and wonderful wonderful humans.. intelligent; creative; but for some reason (they call it a disease) makes them addicted to that substance.

But the steps are just good common sense. And the old ways of yelling or crying does no one any good.

12 step friends .. no matter what side of the coin they are.. (i know double-winners; meaning they go to al-anon and aa) they practice the steps and are good communicators with other 12 steppers. We are quick to apologize if we are wrong; and we do it with HUMILITY and kindness.. and we also know how to say NO. And therefore not have resentments. (and so many good lessons). It changed my LIFE.
Cliff said…
Betty Ann, another thing about me and my other Northeast Ohio friends is we all hail close to the birthplace of AA-Akron and I have spent plenty of time in Akron City Hospital in the ER and for tests. I think Bill W. did a lot of his groundwork there.
Ms Hen's said…
How interesting. I never read Bill W. story. I plan on doing so eventually.

e.r.? I hope you were never hurt or sick ?? (hugs)

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