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Attitude and Gratitude Award

Betty Ann, of Diary of a Frugal Hen fame, presented me with the Attitude and Gratitude award.

Here are the rules:
  1. put the logo on your blog or post
  2. nominate at least 10 blogs, which show great attitude and/or gratitude!
  3. be sure to link to your nominees within your post
  4. let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
  5. share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
  6. How did you get a great attitude and gratitude
Now I don't usually do the pass on awards, but this one goes well with some of my philosophy.

I'm grateful that I have the friends I do in the blog world, and for those who have come to know me in the past little bit.

I'm also grateful that I have this blog where I can express my feelings.

I'm grateful that at this time I have a job.

And although I have some conditions I could do without, I am in relatively good health.

Now I don't know if I will get to 10 people, but I will try. These folks show how to make lemonade out of the lemons that have tossed at them.

1.) Randy, of The Way I See It fame. Randy is giving us an inside view of his life although in the recent past everything has been falling down around him. He also is faithful to go around to the other blogs and give his fellow bloggers encouragement.

2.) Amias, of The Magic of Integrated Circuits fame. In the past month, Amias has reemerged in the blog world with her insights of life. And this was while administrating Suzanne's blog and dealing with her own grief over losing such a dear friend. I'm glad we can benefit again from her musings.

3)Clean and Crazy, of My Recovery fame. C&C is one of my newest friends. She describes herself as an addict who has been clean for a little more than 4 years. Her blog is an inspiration to how anyone can come from rock bottom and work their way up. I suggest you go to My Recovery and give C&C a pat on the back for being a good example to follow.

4)Melanie, of Me Melanie fame. Melanie is a good prayer partner and a fellow caffeine freak. Her blog offers a great devotional. She also shows that it is possible to come back from an abusive childhood.

5)Happy Wife, of Happy Life, Happy Life fame. HWHL is a self employed entrepreneur, who has hit some rough times lately. She still has time for all her online friends. I also like her because we like reading some of the same books.

6)Diamond, of A Dose of Nonsense fame. Diamond is faithful in showing us all sorts of tips in maintaining a healthy weight through sensible living. She has just been laid off from her job, which is not uncommon, but is still around to offer support.

7)Daisy, of Dancing With Daisy and Smiling With Daisy fame. Daisy has been regaling us with her good sense of humor even though, like me, she is not enjoying this Ohio Winter.

8)Bella, of Ciao Bella fame. Bella is another one who takes time from a busy day to make sure she is encouraging her friends. She has recently become addicted to facebook and is a good addition to my friends list there.

9)Shelley, of Building a Log Cabin fame. Right now Shellmo is at a disadvantage. Her computer crashed and she has to use her husband's computer. She is keeping us updatedon the progress, but may lose a number of her photos. Go over and give Shelley some encouragement.

10)Frasypoo, of This and That fame. Frasypoo and Mrs74 have one thing in common: They both deal with a diabetic husband. But Frasypoo's husband is a barber and I haven't seen one in awhile(look at my profile). Our Indian Georgia peach and I have been friends for quite some time. We are also prayer partners and get to sharing ideas through email at times.

Go visit these blogs and find out why they're award winning blogs.


Hi Cliff, I found your comment over at Melanie's so I had to come and see.

A great blog. I look forward to reading more when I get a chance.

I noticed your comment about Daisy, how she has been 'regaling' you with her sense of humour.

I love that word 'regaling' and use it often when I cajole my hubby to 'regale me with a funny story'.

Blessings and great joy!

And congrats on your own award!

You're welcome to come over and visit. You mention being a coffee freak...if you lived closer, my hubby and I would introduce you, as well as Melanie, to a grand coffee place we love here in Alberta, Canada. Cafe Haven. Best lattes in the world!
Connie said…
Congratulations on your award, Wixy! And thank you for passing it along to me. I appreciate your kind words. How you look at the world can make a big difference in your day so this one means a lot to me. Thanks! :)
Shelley said…
Wixy - you are certainly deserving of this award and I congratulate you! And thank you for thinking of me - it brightened my day considerably! (Especially after I just got back from Best Buy and the computer I wanted was out of stock! UGH!!!)
Busy Bee Suz said…
Congrats Cliff!!!!
A lovely award to add to the others on your shelf!!!
Melanie said…
thank you so much always you bring sunshine and encouragement to me from your side of the world...from one coffee freak to another...thank you!
SandyCarlson said…
You deserve this award as much as the people to whom you are passing it, Cliff. Congratulatoins.
SandyCarlson said…
You deserve this award as much as the people to whom you are passing it, Cliff. Congratulatoins.
Anonymous said…
Cool, Congrats to ALL
Congratulations Cliff ... y

You are too sweet. Thank you, as we all need to know we are thought about.
HWHL said…
Thank you for the kind words Cliff. I appreciate them. Although this "season" is difficult, I know God is teaching me... so I will continue to walk through this valley and wait for him. Friday night's church service revolved around Isaiah 40 and they could have been speaking directly to me - it was wonderful.

Thanks again for your encouragement!
Anonymous said…
Cliff, you are so thoughtful, as usual. Thank you! If anyone deserves an award, it's YOU!

Jen said…
Yay! Congrats to you and your picks! :)

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