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What does a blogger do on a snow day?

Most bloggers in their right minds would do as Maggie suggested in the comments of my last post, "Get a cup of hot coffee and stay warm on the Blogs."

But nobody ever accused me of being in my right mind, so I took the WIXYcam, hopped in the WIXYmobile and drove around town, snapping some pictures. In the first photo, is the WIXYmobile in the driveway at the WIXYranch. City crews were out trying to make all the streets passable

This photo was taken at the corner of Main Street and Ohio Avenue, considered as "downtown Rittman"

Rittman, Ohio is the only town in the United Staates with that name. It's original name was Milton Station, but was changed to it's present name after Frederick Rittman, treasurer of the railroad that went through town.

The long time regulars have seen this location during the spring and summer months. I write quite a bit about the Rittman IGA. Too bad Donny Foutty, the owner, wasn't in town to enjoy the weather. He is currently in Arizona participating in the Cleveland Indians fantasy camp.

No city business could be conducted today as city hall was closed due to the weather.

State route 57 runs past Rittman and is maintained by the Ohio Department of Transportation. It's the main route between Rittman, Orrville and interstate 76. Usually the crews take good care of the road, at least until you get to the Wayne/Medina County line, which is about a mile north of where I took this photo

Back home, I took this photo from my front porch. Just reminds me that I have to shovel my driveway. I'm also looking forward to when I have to mow around that tree.


HWHL said…
I love this! I may have to do a "tour" of my 'hood sometime soon... this is actually a great idea! (Granted, mine won't be a Winter Wonderland like yours, but still....)
Hopefully you're no inside, enjoying coffee????
Ms Hen's said…
wow. cool. :) .. how much snow are you guys getting in OHIO and how cold is it?
Busy Bee Suz said…
wow. that is a lot of snow. I bet it is cold too. ;)
I am in the opposite position is HOT. Like, I may have to put on the a/c in the house to cook dinner tonight. We will have a cold front this weekend though....back to sweatshirts. :)
Love the tour....great idea, but hey, you really are crazy to get out in that. but thanks!!!
Cliff said…
Currently in Rittman, Ohio, it is 21 degrees. I have come in from shoveling 6 inches of snow from my driveway. There was a crust in the middle from the freezing rain that we got right before I left for my attempt to go to work this morning.
I get cold just looking at it!
Glad you got back safe and sound.
Minerva said…
Nice to see a small Ohio town again. I think they all have a Main Street, don't they? And they all have streets with tree names, too. Nice pictures. Brings back nice memories of when I lived in a small Ohio town.
SandyCarlson said…
I'm guessing the city workers put the sign up yesterday? If so, that was an excellent exercise in forethought.
clean and crazy said…
I want to make a snow man! Or in my case a "snow suzie". i wish we could get some of that pretty snow here.
coltfan said…
I gave the award back to you.
Connie said…
Your winter scenes look like what is outside my window, Cliff! I'm looking forward to mowing too!! I'd rather mow grass than shovel snow ANYDAY!!

Hope you have a good day today. :D
Pat Jenkins said…
great pictures! but you mean to tell me it was too bad to drive into work, but not too bad to drive around and take these pictures? yours truly your boss!!
Cliff said…
My drive in to work is 46 miles. At the time I was attempting the trip, we were getting freezing rain on top of the snow and the good folks at ODOT were acting like the public employees that they are.
Pat Jenkins said…
fair enough, now get back to work... yours truly your boss again!

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